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Progress Chef 360 Platform & Progress Chef Courier 1.2 release notes

Release date: February 14, 2025.

New features

  • This release includes several enhancements to the graphical user interface to help users perform workflows entirely without using a command line: .

    • You can now add and update tags associated with your nodes and use them in filters.
    • In the Courier Job wizard, you can select from saved node lists or filters and preview the nodes in their selection.
    • You can create a specific schedule for when a Courier job is performed.
    • The Courier job summary now includes a lot more details for easier reference.
    • While using the Courier job wizard users can now add multiple steps to the same job along with input, output variables, conditions for each step.
    • All Courier job exceptions can now be added, edited, and removed through a dedicated screen for exceptions.
  • We’ve enhanced performance so users have control over how the Chef 360 Platform Server reacts to load according to their needs:

    • For users deploying with a HELM chart, there is now an option to set the maximum concurrency limit for Chef Courier Job orchestrator.
    • Node Management now sets a random splay interval for it’s calls to Chef 360 Platform Server.
  • The Chef 360 Platform documentation is now shipped along with the installation package. Users who have network restrictions can access the documentation directly within their install.


  • Chef 360 Platform now captures the timestamp for when a Courier job is marked as timed out.
  • You can now refresh tables on the Chef 360 Platform UI using a button and without the need to refresh the entire page.
  • Chef 360 SMTP settings now supports configurations for SendGrid to send emails.
  • maxVersion is now a mandatory configuration for Courier job skills used in a step.
  • Tenant admins can now give other users the tenant admin role.
  • We increased the Chef 360 Platform UI session timeout from 15 minutes.

Bug fixes

  • The downloaded CLIs no longer appear locked upon installation.
  • Courier job artifacts downloaded from the GUI now have a proper file extension.
  • We fixed error notifications that were showing multiple times.
  • Chef 360 Platform now correctly recognizes the URL a user-deployed Habitat Builder.
  • Node enrolment on Ubuntu 18 can be performed.
  • Self-signed system-generated SSL certificates now have the correct common name (CN).

Security updates

Supported skill versions

SkillSkill nameHabitat packageVersion
Node Management Agentnode-management-agentchef-platform/node-management-agent1.0.4
Courier Runnercourier-runnerchef-platform/courier-runner1.4.6
Shell Interpretershell-interpreterchef-platform/shell-interpreter1.0.5
Restart Interpreterrestart-interpreterchef-platform/restart-interpreter1.0.4
Infra Client Interpreterchef-client-interpreterchef-platform/chef-client-interpreter1.0.6
Inspec Interpreterinspec-interpreterchef-platform/inspec-interpreter1.0.6

Thank you for your feedback!
