and chef-server
commands use the Chef Infra Server API for you.The authentication process ensures that Chef Infra Server only responds to requests made by trusted users or clients. Chef Infra Server uses public key encryption. You create the public and private keys when you configure Chef Infra Client or setup Chef Workstation.
- Chef Infra Server stores the public key
- Chef Workstation saves the private key in
- Chef Infra Client saves the private key in
Both Chef Infra Client and Chef Workstation communicate with Chef Infra Server using the Chef Infra Server API. Each time that Chef Infra Client or Chef Workstation makes a request to Chef Infra Server, they use a special group of HTTP headers and sign the rest with their private key. Chef Infra Server then uses the public key to verify the headers and contents.
Public and Private Keys
Every request made by Chef Infra Client to the Chef Infra Server must be an authenticated request using the Chef Infra Server API and a private key. When Chef Infra Client makes a request to the Chef Infra Server, Chef Infra Client authenticates each request using a private key located in/etc/chef/client.pem
.Chef Infra Server Key Use
The authentication process ensures that Chef Infra Server only responds to requests made by trusted users or clients. Chef Infra Server uses public key encryption. You create the public and private keys when you configure Chef Infra Client or setup Chef Workstation.
- Chef Infra Server stores the public key
- Chef Workstation saves the private key in
- Chef Infra Client saves the private key in
Both Chef Infra Client and Chef Workstation communicate with Chef Infra Server using the Chef Infra Server API. Each time that Chef Infra Client or Chef Workstation makes a request to Chef Infra Server, they use a special group of HTTP headers and sign the rest with their private key. Chef Infra Server then uses the public key to verify the headers and contents.
Chef Infra Client
Chef Infra Client authenticates with the Chef Infra Server using RSA public key-pairs each time a Chef Infra Client needs access to data that is stored on the Chef Infra Server. This prevents any node from accessing data that it shouldn’t and it ensures that only nodes that are properly registered with the Chef Infra Server can be managed.Knife
RSA public key-pairs are used to authenticate knife with Chef Infra Server every time knife attempts to access Chef Infra Server. This ensures that each instance of knife is properly registered with Chef Infra Server and that only trusted users can make changes to the data.
Knife can also use the knife exec
subcommand to make specific,
authenticated requests to Chef Infra Server. knife plugins can also
make authenticated requests to Chef Infra Server by leveraging the
knife exec
The private key doesn’t yet exist the first time that Chef Infra Client runs from a new node.
During the first Chef Infra Client run:
- Chef Infra Client uses the chef-validator private key, located in
to register with Chef Infra Server - Chef Infra Server assigns Chef Infra Client a private key for all future authentication requests to the Chef Infra Server
- Chef Infra Client saves the private key on the node as
If the request to communicate with Chef Infra Server with the chef-validator key fails, then the entire first Chef Infra Client run fails.
After the first completed Chef Infra Client run, delete the chef-validator private key at /etc/chef/validation.pem
Chef Infra Server Key Storage
Keys are stored in different locations, depending on if the location is a node or a workstation.
Each node stores its private key locally. This private key is generated as part of the bootstrap process that initially installs Chef Infra Client on the node. The first time Chef Infra Client runs on that node, it uses the chef-validator to authenticate, but then on each subsequent run it uses the private key generated for that client by the Chef Infra Server.
Each workstation stores its private key in the user’s ~/.chef
This private key is generated by Chef Infra Server and must be download
from the server and copied to the ~/.chef
directory manually. If you
require a new private key, generate it with Chef Infra Server and
copy it to the ~/.chef
directory again.
The chef-repo is a directory on your workstation that stores everything you need to define your infrastructure with Chef Infra:
- Cookbooks (including recipes, attributes, custom resources, libraries, and templates)
- Data bags
- Policyfiles
The chef-repo directory should be synchronized with a version control system, such as git. All of the data in the chef-repo should be treated like source code.
You’ll use the chef
and knife
commands to upload data to the Chef
Infra Server from the chef-repo directory. Once uploaded, Chef Infra
Client uses that data to manage the nodes registered with the Chef Infra
Server and to ensure that it applies the right cookbooks, policyfiles,
and settings to the right nodes in the right order.
The .chef directory is a hidden directory that is used to store validation key files and optionally a config.rb file.
Chef Infra Server API Authentication
API Requests
A knife plugin is a set of one (or more) subcommands that can be added to knife to support additional functionality that isn’t built-in to the base set of knife subcommands. Many of the knife plugins are built by members of the Chef community and several of them are built and maintained by Chef.A knife plugin can be used to make authenticated API requests to the Chef Infra Server using the following methods:
Method | Description |
rest.delete_rest | Use to delete an object from the Chef Infra Server. |
rest.get_rest | Use to get the details of an object on the Chef Infra Server. |
rest.post_rest | Use to add an object to the Chef Infra Server. |
rest.put_rest | Use to update an object on the Chef Infra Server. |
For example:
module MyCommands
class MyNodeDelete < Chef::Knife
#An implementation of knife node delete
banner 'knife my node delete [NODE_NAME]'
def run
if name_args.length < 1
ui.fatal('You must specify a node name.')
exit 1
nodename = name_args[0]
api_endpoint = "nodes/#{nodename}"
# Again, we could just call rest.delete_rest
nodey = rest.get_rest(api_endpoint)
ui.confirm("Do you really want to delete #{nodey}")
From Chef Manage
Chef Manage, which runs Chef Infra Server’s user interface, uses the Chef Infra Server API to perform most operations. This ensures that authentication requests to Chef Infra Server are authorized. This authentication process is handled automatically and is not something that users need to manage. For on-premises Chef Infra Server deployments, the administrators who are responsible for managing the server must maintain the authentication keys used by Chef Manage.
Other options
The most common ways to interact with Chef Infra Server using the Chef Infra Server API abstract the API from the user. That said, the Chef Infra Server API can be interacted with directly. The following sections describe a few of the ways that are available for doing that.
An API request can be made using cURL, which is a Bash shell script that requires two utilities: awk and openssl. The following example shows how an authenticated request can be made using the Chef Infra Server API and cURL:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
_chef_dir () {
# Helper function:
# Recursive function that searches for chef configuration directory
# It looks upward from the cwd until it hits /. If no directory is found,
# ~/.chef is chosen if it exists
# You could simply hard-code the path below
if [ "$PWD" = "/" ]; then
if [ -d ".chef" ]; then
echo "/.chef"
elif [ -d "$HOME/.chef" ]; then
echo "$HOME/.chef"
if [ -d '.chef' ];then
echo "${PWD}/.chef"
(cd ..; _chef_dir)
_chomp () {
# helper function to remove newlines
awk '{printf "%s", $0}'
chef_api_request() {
# This is the meat-and-potatoes, or rice-and-vegetables, your preference really.
local method path body timestamp chef_server_url client_name hashed_body hashed_path
local canonical_request headers auth_headers
# '/organizations/ORG_NAME' is needed
if echo $chef_server_url | grep -q "/organizations/" ; then
hashed_path=$(echo -n "$endpoint" | openssl dgst -sha1 -binary | openssl enc -base64)
hashed_body=$(echo -n "$body" | openssl dgst -sha1 -binary | openssl enc -base64)
timestamp=$(date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
canonical_request="Method:$method\nHashed Path:$hashed_path\nX-Ops-Content-Hash:$hashed_body\nX-Ops-Timestamp:$timestamp\nX-Ops-UserId:$client_name"
headers="-H X-Ops-Timestamp:$timestamp \
-H X-Ops-Userid:$client_name \
-H X-Chef-Version:0.10.4 \
-H Accept:application/json \
-H X-Ops-Content-Hash:$hashed_body \
-H X-Ops-Sign:version=1.0"
auth_headers=$(printf "$canonical_request" | openssl rsautl -sign -inkey \
"$(_chef_dir)/${client_name}.pem" | openssl enc -base64 | _chomp | awk '{ll=int(length/60);i=0; \
while (i<=ll) {printf " -H X-Ops-Authorization-%s:%s", i+1, substr($0,i*60+1,60);i=i+1}}')
case $method in
curl_command="curl $headers $auth_headers $path"
echo "Unknown Method. I only know: GET" >&2
return 1
chef_api_request "$@"
After saving this shell script to a file named chef_api_request
, use
it similar to the following:
bash chef_api_request GET "/clients"
An API request can be made using PyChef, which is a Python library that
meets the Mixlib::Authentication
requirements so that it can easily
interact with Chef Infra Server. The following example shows how an
authenticated request can be made using the Chef Infra Server API and
from chef import autoconfigure, Node
api = autoconfigure()
n = Node('web1')
print n['fqdn']
n['myapp']['version'] = '1.0'
and the following example shows how to make API calls directly:
from chef import autoconfigure
api = autoconfigure()
print api.api_request('GET', '/clients')
The previous examples assume that the current working directory is such that PyChef can find a valid configuration file in the same manner as Chef Infra Client or knife. For more about PyChef, see:
On a system with Chef Infra Client installed, use Ruby to make an authenticated request to Chef Infra Server:
require 'chef/config'
require 'chef/log'
require 'chef/rest'
chef_server_url = ''
client_name = 'clientname'
signing_key_filename = '/path/to/pem/for/clientname'
rest =, client_name, signing_key_filename)
puts rest.get_rest('/clients')
require 'mixlib/cli'
require 'chef'
require 'chef/node'
require 'chef/mixin/xml_escape'
require 'json'
config_file = 'c:/chef/client.rb'
Chef::Log.level = Chef::Config[:log_level]
def Usage()
puts '/etc/chef/client.rb' # The config file location, e.g. ~/home/.chef/config.rb etc
config_file = gets.chomp
if (!File.exist?(config_file))
puts 'config_file #{config_file} does not exist. Exiting.\n'
STDOUT.puts <<-EOF
Choose options e.g. 1
1 Display all nodes per environment
2 Display all nodes in detail (can be slow if there a large number of nodes)
9 Exit
def ExecuteUserChoice()
testoption = gets.chomp
case testoption
when '1'
when '2'
when '9'
puts 'exit'
puts 'Unknown option #{testoption}. Exiting\n'
def DisplayNodesPerEnv()
Chef::Environment.list(false).each do |envr|
print 'ENVIRONMENT: ', envr[0], '\n'
Chef::Node.list_by_environment(envr[0], false).each do |node_info|
print '\tNODE: ', node_info[0], '\n'
print '\t\tURL: ', node_info[1], '\n'
def DisplayNodesDetail()
Chef::Node.list(true).each do |node_array|
node = node_array[1]
print '#{}\n'
print '\t#{node['fqdn']}\n'
print '\t#{node['kernel']['machine']}\n'
print '\t#{node['kernel']['os']}\n'
print '\t#{node['platform']}\n'
print '\t#{node['platform_version']}\n'
print '\t#{node.chef_environment}\n'
print '\t#{node.run_list.roles}\n'
def Execute(option)
profilestart =
profileend =
timeofrun = profileend - profilestart
print 'Time taken = #{timeofrun}'
rescue Exception => ex
print 'Error calling chef API'
print ex.message
print ex.backtrace.join('\n')
Another way Ruby can be used with the Chef Infra Server API is to get
objects from Chef Infra Server, and then interact with the returned
data using Ruby methods. Whenever possible, the Chef Infra Server API
returns an object of the relevant type. The returned object is then
available to be called by other methods. For example, the api.get
method can be used to return a node named foobar
, and then .destroy
can be used to delete that node:
silly_node = api.get('/nodes/foobar')
Debug Authentication Issues
In some cases, Chef Infra Client may receive a 401 response to the authentication request and a 403 response to an authorization request. An authentication error error may look like the following:
[Wed, 05 Oct 2011 15:43:34 -0700] INFO: HTTP Request Returned 401
Unauthorized: Failed to authenticate as node_name. Ensure that your node_name and client key are correct.
To debug authentication problems, determine which Chef Infra Client is attempting to authenticate. This is often found in the log messages for that Chef Infra Client. Debug logging can be enabled on a Chef Infra Client using the following command:
chef-client -l debug
When debug logging is enabled, a log entry will look like the following:
[Wed, 05 Oct 2011 22:05:35 +0000] DEBUG: Signing the request as NODE_NAME
If the authentication request occurs during the initial Chef Infra Client run, the issue is most likely with the private key.
If the authentication is happening on the node, there are a number of common causes:
- The
file is incorrect. This can be fixed by deleting theclient.pem
file and re-running Chef Infra Client. When Chef Infra Client re-runs, it will re-attempt to register with the Chef Infra Server and generate the correct key. - A
is different from the one used during the initial Chef Infra Client run. This can happen for a number of reasons. For example, if the client.rb file does not specify the correct node name and the host name has recently changed. This issue can be resolved by explicitly setting the node name in the client.rb file or by using the-N
option for the Chef Infra Client executable. - The system clock has drifted from the actual time by more than 15 minutes. This can be fixed by syncing the clock with an Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.
Update a User’s Key Pair for Authenticating With Chef Infra Server
You can update a user’s key pair on Chef Infra Server with knife using either the knife user reregister
subcommand, or the knife user key
knife user reregister
Use knife user reregister
to regenerate an RSA key pair for a user. Knife will store the public key on Chef Infra Server and the private key will be displayed in the standard output, or use the --file
option to write to a named file.
knife user reregister USERNAME (options)
knife user key
You can list, add, edit, and delete public keys using the following subcommands:
knife user key
subcommands, create a new key pair and then delete the old key pair.To update a user’s key pair:
Check the current keys associated with the user:
knife user key list USERNAME
Create a new key pair:
knife user key create USERNAME --key-name KEYNAME --expiration-date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ --file FILENAME
Knife will open your text editor with a data file containing the username, key name, and key pair expiration date that will be sent to Chef Infra Server.
Modify the username, key name, and key expiration date to match the new key pair that you are creating, then save the file and close your editor.
Knife will also generate a new private key (PEM file) using the specified filename.
Specify the expiration date in ISO 8601 format.
The expiration date is optional. User keys don’t expire if an expiration date isn’t specified.
Make the new user key active by placing the generated PEM file in the
directory on your workstation.Open your
file orcredentials
file and modify it to match the new key name.Check the list of current keys associated with the user:
knife user key list USERNAME
Delete any old or unwanted keys to reduce security risks:
knife user key delete USERNAME OLD_KEY_NAME
Check the list of current keys associated with the user to verify that the new key has been added and any older keys have been deleted:
knife user key list USERNAME
For more information about Chef Infra Server Authorization, see Organizations and Groups.
Chef Infra Server API
For more information about using the Chef Infra Server API endpoints see the Chef Infra Server API documentation.